Saturday, October 1, 2011


I splurged on a set of Angel Cards the other day.  I’ve wanted some for years.  I love how simple they are.  Tiny laminated cards, each with one word and a tiny angel drawing.  When I got home I took them out of the box, mixed them up (upside down) on the couch, closed my eyes, emptied my mind and picked one.  I got “Commitment”. 

Instantly this word brought many thoughts to mind.  First, I thought about my marriage commitment.  Could the card be sending me a message about that?  No, that vow is as solid as can be.  Certainly not commitment to my job, I’m a dedicated teacher through and through.  But what about the promises I’ve made to myself?  To be true to myself, live my dreams, and be kind and compassionate towards others.  Those are the personal commitments I think about every day. 

Then there is the commitment to my current project; setting up an Etsy store by the end of January.  That takes perseverance I didn’t have until now.  I have a plan of action, clear goals, and steps needed to get there.  I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  How I will refuse to give up when I get to the difficult, boring, or not fun parts (if there are any).  This project is about much more than starting a hobby-type business; it’s proving I can finish what I start and that I’m devoted to my art.

So, if I feel my art and I are one in the same, then am I not committing to myself as well? 

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